Saturday, October 18, 2008

Republican Senator Slams McCain Campaign.

Well there's coattails, no coattails, and then there's "please don't let the door hit you on the way out."

Maine Senator Susan Collins has called on the McCain campaign to stop its campaigning in her state, saying, "These kind of tactics have no place in Maine politics."

Let me rephrase that...

REPUBLICAN Senator Susan Collins has called on the McCain campaign to stop its campaigning in her state "immediately."

Well, not all campaigning, but to stop the campaigning it is doing, which is using robocalls trying to link Senator Barack Obama to William Ayers.

Collins joins Florida Governor Charlie Crist as incumbent Republicans who are running away from the McCain campaign.

Ironically, it looks like John McCain has finally demonstrated that he can "reach across the aisle" and get members of both parties to agree on something.

Unfortunately, what he is getting them to agree on is that John McCain is running a sleazy, ineffectual, negative campaign.

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