Sunday, January 01, 2006

The Long Loneliness (36-50)

This section is entitled "University."

Day writes from a perspective of someone with a social conscience whose own hardship makes her keenly aware of the inequities that are part of life on earth.

Perhaps one of the more interesting aspects of her description of university life is that she craved and went for the experience of independence rather than a degree. This attitude meant she attended the classes that interested her and from which she profited (or believed she did) intellectually.

In her early pages, Day captures the tone of zealous arrogance of youth and young adulthood, whether she describes religious piety or political certainty.

Really I led a very shiftliess life, doing for the first time exactly what I wanted to do, attending only those classes I wished to attend, coming and going at whatever hour of the night I pleased. My freedom intoxicated me. I felt it was worth going hungry for (44).

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